
On sale the Forager Fruits Freeze Dried Strawberries by Wild Earth.
Freeze Dried Strawberries, the tasty, natural, and healthy snack you’ve been searching for. Forage no further! Forager Fruit is here to save the day. We’ve found the best Australian-Grown strawberries to slice and freeze-dry. Our freeze drying process means that the beautiful harvest-fresh flavour stays with the product and added is a huge crunch factor! You’ve never tried anything quite like it. Our Freeze Dried Strawberries are packed full of good stuff like antioxidants), they make the perfect healthy snack to eat by themselves, add to smoothies, ice cream or bake scrumptious muffins. The opportunities are endless! Each bag of Freeze Dried Strawberries contains the equivalent of 150 grams of fresh strawberries or 1 daily fruit serve.


Available now in N/A.
SKU 12942254.50

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