
On sale the Lotsafreshair – How to Navigate Hiking Book – 2nd Edition by Wild Earth.
The art of traditional map and compass navigation in an Australian context (2nd edition): A straight-talking, modern approach to map reading and compass navigation, along with clear explanations of how to really navigate in the Aussie bush through deep awareness and observations of the world around us. 102 pages of photographs, diagrams, stories and how-to’s, told from the perspective of a passionate bushwalker, involved in search and rescue. Whilst GPS devices and apps have increased in popularity over the past few years, the importance of the traditional skills of how to read a map, use a compass and navigate in the bush, hasn’t changed. Dick Smith says, “I’ve spent my life and have been on many expeditions where I have had to rely on a map and compass. Caro’s book brings a fresh approach, breaking down old fashioned jargon and making learning how to navigate with a map and compass, easy.”


Available now in N/A.
SKU 386190034.95

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